My Cloud Computing Journey

My Cloud Computing Journey

Cloud Mastery Bootcamp
aws linux

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AWS Career Change for Software Engineers

Hey there! 🚀 It’s been a while since my last post, but I’m back with exciting news I can’t wait to share. I’ve been on an incredible journey diving into AWS and am eager to take you along!

Transitioning Journey

Many software engineers are considering a shift in their professional career towards cloud computing, with a particular focus on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The allure of AWS as a leading cloud platform has prompted numerous professionals to contemplate transitioning from traditional software engineering roles to the dynamic and innovative world of cloud computing.

Industry Expert: “New data shows digital skills are more needed than ever—AWS has 600+ free cloud courses that can help.” (AWS Support Documentation, n.d.)

After graduating with a certification as a Software Engineer, I started exploring other fields like cybersecurity and cloud computing. I am writing this post to share my starting journey through the AWS world with all of you.

Exploring AWS

As software engineers venture into cloud computing, obtaining AWS certification is essential. It validates their expertise in utilizing Amazon Web Services to design, deploy, and manage scalable systems on the cloud platform. Preparing for AWS certification exams involves deeply understanding various AWS services, architectural best practices, and hands-on experience with cloud infrastructure.

Recently, I enrolled in the Cloud Mastery Bootcamp to acquire cloud computing skills and earn five cloud certifications:

  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
  • AWS Certified Developer Associate
  • HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate
  • Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

The Cloud Mastery Bootcamp provides training for a broad set of cloud job roles, including cloud engineer, DevOps engineer, and solutions architect. (Digital Cloud Training, 2024). I expect to advance in my professional career and get a position as a cloud professional.

Cloud Foundations and Linux training is the first module of the Bootcamp, and it provides an overview of the following topics:

  • Cloud Computing and AWS
  • Compute and Storage Services
  • Amazon Linux
  • Serverless Applications
  • Deployment and Management

Cloud Career

DevOps plays a pivotal role in streamlining software development and operations in cloud computing. It involves integrating development and IT operations to enhance collaboration, automate processes, and improve the quality of software delivery. For software engineers making a professional transition into the Cloud, embracing DevOps practices is crucial for staying competitive in the rapidly evolving technology landscape.

I am so excited about learning all these AWS applications. The first thing that came to my mind when I learned about AWS applications was to migrate all my web apps and web pages to AWS. So, I plan to start the Developer Associate module to migrate and create websites and web applications using AWS services. One project that’s been on my mind is deploying The Database Tool using Docker containers on AWS.

In short, enrolling in the Cloud Mastery Bootcamp and pursuing five AWS cloud certifications signifies my commitment to advancing in the Cloud Computing field. Through ongoing learning and practical experience, I aim to become a successful cloud professional, making meaningful contributions to the cloud computing field.


Digital Cloud Training. (2024, February 25). Cloud Mastery Bootcamp: AWS, Linux, Python, Kubernetes, Terraform.

AWS Support Documentation. (n.d.).